Outreach and Education

Hire Musicians
The LSO is active in performing at various venues sponsored by local organizations and companies. If you are intersting in hiring a small group from the LSO, contact the office at info@lynchburgsymphony.org.

Audition to Join the LSO or LSYO
The LSO holds annual auditions for prospective members at the end of summer. Auditions are open to musicians who play any category of orchestra instrument. Individuals planning to audition should send a one-page resume to Music Coordinator, Angie Hales.
For information about LSYO audition requirements, please contact LSYO Coordinator, Heather Laurence.

Educational Programs
For nearly 20 years, the LSO has brought the excitement of music to a variety of area schools. The Music in the Schools program enables young people that range in age fronm preschoolers to high school students to hear a performance and a discussion of music and instruments. For more information about how LSO musicians can visit your school or classroom, contact our office at info@lynchburgsymphony.org.
Lynchburg Symphony Orchestra
621 Court Street
Lynchburg, VA 24504
Privacy Policy
Phone: 434-845-6604
Ula Kauppi, CFRE
Executive Director